“Spring drew on…and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night, and left each morning brighter traces of her steps.” — Charlotte Brontë
Spring is bursting into bloom. This is the time to prepare your soil, declutter your nest, stretch your mind, try something new! Are you feeling excited and trying to figure out what to do first?
Our bodies are intelligent and hard working, and they are inundated with a never-ending barrage of stressors: environmental toxins, processed foods, unresolved emotions, and psychological stress. Inevitably, in attempting to “digest” it all, we accumulate toxicity—which, over time, can build up in the system, deposit in the tissues, and compromise our health.
Try a whole food cleanse so the body can rest, recuperate, and repair itself. And amazingly, when the deluge of damaging inputs slows, your body will immediately take advantage of the lull to do some very deep cleaning.
Include walking, with added sunlight, a daily habit and try yoga, pilates, stretching and/or meditation into morning and evening routines.
Grow your mind…read a book, take up a new hobby, and try to learn something new. Allow down-time for yourself, and practice gratitude, celebrating the small things in life.