About Karin

Karin grew up in the foothills of Southern Colorado where she was immersed in nature. She is passionate about engaging in the outdoors, and enjoys hiking, kayaking, biking, gardening and photography. Her Certified Retreat Leader experience, combined with her love of nature, creativity and playful nature, bring a fun and adventurous emphasis to her retreats. Karin received a 200-hour yoga instructor certificate, which she incorporates into retreats in hopes of reconnecting your body to your energy flow, and a renewed sense of rejuvenation. Her love of holistic nutrition and cooking inspire her to share her knowledge and skills with you as she commits to cultivating personal awareness and growth in your healthy journey. She has a degree in communications, a minor in art, and has studied photography, nutrition, herbalism, culinary skills, and horticulture. Her health and wellness retreats will motivate you to find courage and confidence to create your own wild path as you connect with nature and self.